*** This hotel does not have an elevator
If the additional service is not used, the accommodation fee is free for children under 2 years old, half price for children 2 to 5 years old and full price for children 5 years old and above.
Additional service is offered as a bed.
Internet use is free.
The rates for Iranian and foreign passengers are the same.
Cancellation rules: - Cancellation notification between 19 and 15 days before the guest arrival, a hotel fine including 10% of the total amount of one night will be deducted for all rooms. - Cancellation notification between 11 and 14 days, the hotel fine including 15% of the total amount of one night will be deducted for all rooms. - Cancellation notification between 11 and 6 days, the hotel fine including 25% of the total amount of one night will be deducted for all rooms. - Cancellation notification between 6 and 3 days, the hotel fine including 50% of the total amount of one night will be deducted for all rooms. - Cancellation announcement in less than 72 hours, the hotel fine including 80% of the total amount of one night will be deducted for all rooms.